September 2024

Big News

E31 8 Series Wins Best of (BMW) Marque & People’s Choice at 2024 Legends of the Autobahn– West!

As reported by Rodney Moore, aka M6bigdog, I believe this is a FIRST at Legends West–this year held at Bayonet Black Horse Golf Course in Seaside, California on August 15th

That’s right; it beat out every other BMW, every Mercedes, and every Audi! The car: a custom E31 8 Series with a BMW V10 power plant installed. Impressive! Car presented by Rey Rivera / Reyn Speed
Shop. Photo below by Rodney Moore

Here is more info from

Restoration tip

My 1991 850i headliner suddenly started drooping, significantly drooping to point the view from the rear view mirror is now partially blocked. Getting the right thickness headliner material is paramount if you have a sunroof and after installation of the new headliner, you want the sunroof to function properly. (Most headliner material is too thick and once installed on the sunroof panel, the sunroof will not open or tilt.) And of course you want the correct color. Roger Wray, our International E31
Clubs Liaison, recommended Headliner Express in Winter Park, FL for the correct material. I’ve ordered it and it is expected to arrive any day. Will keep you informed on the progress of the headliner replacement.

UPDATE: the headliner material ordered from Headliner Express arrived, however it was actually drop shipped from Veteran Company in Los Angeles. After doing some research, the exact same (and correct) headliner material that I ordered from Headliner Express has a significantly lower cost if ordered from
Veteran Company. You might even save some shipping cost from Veteran Company too. Presently, I am waiting for a time window to remove the headliner from my car. Hope to have a full report for the next E31News Magazine

For Sale

E31 Chapter board member, Mike Barrett, is selling a set of E31 Style 21 Throwing Stars, 8×17 front/9×17 rear. Correct offset (et10 front/et19 rear). Perfect condition, recently powder coated. Brand new OE cover bolts. $4000 plus shipping. If interested, reach out to Mike directly. He is in Harrisburg PA.

E31News Magazine fall edition

Stories, reports and photos for the fall edition are due by
September 20th. We are presently collecting stories and reports as well as technical submissions for the
next issue of The E31News Magazine. Do you have a story to tell about your E31? Perhaps a report on an event you attended with your 8 Series? Photos of you with your car, or just your car? Please – Submit them directly to me: Thank you!

Coming Events


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