About the Chapter

E31 Chapter Board

Henry Christoff


Joe Hower

Vice President

Mike Noble


Mike Barrett


Jaimie Imrie


Roger Wray

International Clubs Liaison

The E31 Chapter is a Chapter of BMW Car Clubs of America. It exists as Non-Geographic Chapter of BMW Car Clubs of America, and represents BMW 8 Series enthusiasts throughout North America. It is a voluntary non-commercial organization with both a social and practical purpose. It is associated with, and closely aligned to the BMW brand philosophy expressed by the traditional BMW values: dynamism, innovation and aesthetics.

Mission of the BMW CCA E31 Chapter

Promote enthusiasm for the BMW E31 8 Series automobile through discussions and shared communications forums, meetings, and interaction between members.

Act as the official conduit between BMW CCA E31 Chapter and the BMW Car Club of America

Provide guidelines, advice and administrative assistance to BMW CCA E31 Chapter members, and promote the proper use of Corporate Identity requirements.

Provide a forum for the sharing of useful E31 Chapter procedures, bylaws, activities and other creative ideas.

The BMWCCA E31 Chapter is a 501 (c) (7) non-profit organization, as well as a legal corporation.

The E31 Chapter represents chapter members, not only in local areas, but North America wide.

It represents chapter members for such things as discussions with BMW USA, BMW NA and BMW AG in encouraging production of limited or NLA parts, and sponsorship through BMW CCA for events and event insurance.

The BMW CCA E31 Chapter supports local E31 groups and organizations so they may put on the best events possible.

Additionally, the BMWCCA E31 Chapter hosts national events as possible.