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BMW Car Club of America E31 Chapter – The Voice of E31 Owners –
October 2022 President’s Update – by Henry Christoff
Hello, everyone, and welcome to the October E31 Chapter Update! Now that fall has arrived and winter is approaching, here are some interesting internet links for cold weather, indoor surfing. The first one is BMW Classic. I’ve introduced their website in the past to our Chapter. Here is something additional that may be of interest.
A few months ago friend of the E31 Chapter, Sreten at M539 Restorations, visited BMW Classic. He was given a tour of their facility. The link below has all the photographic evidence of his visit. Check it out!
E31 CHAPTER WEBSITE – Over the past couple months some E31 Chapter members have been blocked from accessing our website. A lot of detective work has been done by Bob, our Website Guru, and has discovered several security measures that have denied access to some. Bob has made some security access modifications and hopefully this issue is now behind us. If you are having issues accessing our website, please let me know. Thanks!
E31 CHAPTER SWAG – 8 SERIES “MOTOR” T-SHIRTS – we still have good inventory of our silk screened Motor T-Shirts. Once these are gone, we will not print more. Grab yours today from our E31 Chapter Swag Store! Available in white in both short and long sleeve T-shirts, the new design features our official BMW CCA logo on the front, with the back featuring an outline of the E31 and models produced. Short sleeve $14.95 for M-XL and 16.95 for XXL. Long sleeve $17.95 for M-XL and $19.95 for XXL.
For ordering information: https://bmwccae31.qbstores.com/c/logo/sgid/150275/filters/0
We still have good inventory of our silk screened Motor T-Shirts. Once these are gone, we will not print more. Grab yours today from our E31 Chapter Swag Store!
Available in white in both short and long sleeve T-shirts, the new design features our official BMW CCA logo on the front, with the back featuring an outline of the E31 and models produced.
Short sleeve $14.95 for M-XL and 16.95 for XXL. Long sleeve $17.95 for M-XL and $19.95 for XXL.
For ordering information: https://bmwccae31.qbstores.com/c/logo/sgid/150275/filters/0
Legends of the Autobahn – East – Saturday, November 5th Hilton Head Island, Port Royal Golf Course.
Registration is now open! https://legendsoftheautobahn.org/east/
SoCal Vintage BMW Meet- Sponsored by our E31 Chapter! November 5th Woodley Park, Van Nuys,
California. For registration and information- http://socalvintagebmw.com/
Until next month – Henry Christoff- pres@bmwccaE31.com