President’s Update November 2022

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Henry Christoff Pres. BMWCCAE31
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BMW Car Club of America E31 Chapter – The Voice of E31 Owners –

November 2022 President’s Update – by Henry Christoff

Welcome a new addition to the E31 Chapter Board – newsletter editor John Berge!
Look for his E31 Chapter handy work to be published the end of December.

E31s IN THE NEWS – I hope everyone enjoyed the Fall/Winter 2022 issue of BimmerLife Magazine which included a full page “Member Profile” by Beth Peck and how she became an E31 owner/enthusiast as well as the “Member Profile” of Kirsti Christoff, our E31 Chapter Secretary. As mentioned previously, the cars bring us together, but it’s the people that make ownership fun.

In the October issue of Roundel, did you see the 2022 Southeast SharkFest “Sharks Swimming Again” story (and photos!) by long time E31 owner George Whiteley? He did a great job reporting on this event which showcased photos of E31s. Nice work, George!

E31 CHAPTER WEBSITE – Bob, our website guru, continues to implement changes to the website layout to give it a fresh, modern appearance. If you have not visited the site recently, please check it out. Then compare our site to other Chapter websites – Bob is doing an outstanding job! There are some additional changes coming in the New Year. Look for technical – E31 specific – PDFs and the background on the no longer available E31 headlamp adjuster kits saga.

E31 CHAPTER SWAG – 8 SERIES “MOTOR” T-SHIRTS – We still have good inventory of our silk screened Motor T-Shirts. Once these are gone, we will not print more. Grab yours today from our E31 Chapter Swag Store! Available in white in both short and long sleeve T-shirts, the new design features our official BMW CCA logo on the front, with the back featuring an outline of the E31 and models produced. Short sleeve $14.95 for M-XL and 16.95 for XXL. Long sleeve $17.95 for M-XL and $19.95 for XXL.  For ordering information:

Legends of the Autobahn – East – Saturday, November 5th Hilton Head Island, Port Royal Golf Course. Registration is now open!

SoCal Vintage BMW Meet- Sponsored by our E31 Chapter! November 5th Woodley Park, Van Nuys, California. For registration and information –
** Until next month – Henry Christoff –