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BMW Car Club of America
E31 Chapter
— The Voice of E31 Owners —
August 2022 President’s Update – by Henry Christoff
Hello 8 Series Owners & Enthusiasts!
Legends of the Autobahn – West- Automobile Week in Monterey, California is coming this month which means the popular Legends of the Autobahn event! There is always a nice turn out of E31s at this event. This year it is being held at the Pacific Grove Golf Links in Pacific Grove, Thursday, August 18th. I’ve registered – so see you there! https://legendsoftheautobahn.org/
O’Fest Forever will be September 27 – October 1st in Palm Springs, CA. Registration is open! https://ofest.bmwcca.org/
Legends of the Autobahn – East – Saturday, November 5th Hilton Head Island, Port Royal Golf Course.
Registration is now open! https://legendsoftheautobahn.org/east/
Kirsti and I will attend Legends of the Autobahn West. It’s been a few years since last attending Legends (it was the 100th Anniversary of BMW Event!), so really looking forward to the show this month and seeing other 8 Series owners. I’ll be wearing my BMW Roundel hat with E31 lapel pin attached.
Our newsletter editor, Adam Armour, is working on an up-coming newsletter expected to be released to everyone in late August – it will have a few photos and story from Legends included. As many of you know, I live in Vancouver British Columbia Canada and I am a member of the BC8s E31 8 Series group ( https://www.wuffer.ca/ ). We have about 70 members, which is an amazing number!
Recently the BC8s Director, Tom “Wuffer” Carter, put out an email to the members asking if anyone was interested in selling their E31. (From time to time our BC8s group receives inquiries about cars that might be for sale.) After Tom finished compiling the numbers, he got responses that 10 cars are for sale. That’s more than 10% of cars of “active” BC8s members! Even long time 8 Series owner and E31 Chapter member and Tim Wyman is selling his two E31s- nice cars I might add.
If you are interested in an E31 for sale in British Columbia, please feel free to reach out to Tom “Wuffer” Carter – he has full details and
vehicle condition on most of the cars for sale and can put you in contact with owners. Tom can be reached at wuffer@shaw.ca
Vancouver, British Columbia resident, Tim Wyman (timwyman@me.com) has told me that people may reach out to him directly regarding his two cars for sale. Both are 1991 models with automatic transmission: Calypso Red with Silver and Black interior which is an original Canadian car; Laguna Green with Black interior- originally a Left Hand Drive, Japanese Domestic M
Cool Swag
Your purchase supports the E31 Chapter!
¾” size E31 Enameled Lapel Pin
1 pin = $5.00 includes shipping to USA addresses
2 pins = $6.00 includes shipping to USA addresses
Send cash, check or money order payable to BMW CCA E31 Chapter with the number of pins requested to:
H. Christoff, P.O. Box 54, Point Roberts, WA 98281.
*WELCOME: new E31 Chapter member Alex Uribe!
*THANK YOU! Pavel Suslinnikov, Brent Poppenhagen and Sandres Mann for renewing your E31 Chapter memberships!
Until next month-
Henry Christoff- pres@bmwccaE31.com;
E31 Chapter Website: https://www.bmwccae31.com/