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The President’s Page June 2022
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BMW Car Club of America – E31 Chapter— The Voice of E31 Owners —
June 2022 President’s Update- by Henry Christoff
Greetings Everyone!
Good news – E31 Chapter Newsletter Editor position has been filled. Long time BMW enthusiast and 8 Series owner Adam Armour is now at the newsletter helm. Look for his handy work in the near future!
A few weeks ago, I reached out to our female E31 owners to provide a story about their 8 Series ownership experiences for an upcoming article in BimmerLife Magazine. A big thank you goes to long time E31 owner (and big 8 Series enthusiast!) Beth Peck who penned her ownership experiences accompanied by a lot of photos! Look for her interesting story in the fall issue of BimmerLife.
Now available: THE E31 LAPEL PIN!
E31 Enameled Lapel Pin ¾” size.
$5.00 each, plus $5.00 shipping, no matter how many pins
Send check or money order payable to BMW CCA E31 Chapter with the number of pins requested to:
H. Christoff, P.O. Box 54, Point Roberts, WA 98281.
Recently the E31 Chapter requested nominations for National Events Coordinator, Brands Manager and Treasurer.
At this writing, we have received one very well qualified nomination for Treasurer. Folks, don’t be shy! Nominations
are open to all current E31 Chapter members. Share your enthusiasm with the E31 / 8 Series community!
Nominations due by June 15, 2022.
Duties of the Brand Manager:
Create and manage the BMW Car Club of America E31 Chapter brand elements consistent with the BMW Clubs Design Guidelines for Appearance Dated July 2012. This includes activities including brand identity, design elements, and communications. Manage media relations regarding the BMW Car Club of America E31 Chapter news and press inquiries. Generate press releases and articles as approved by Chapter board.
Duties of the National Events Coordinator:
Supervise the staging of Chapter events and activities within the guidelines. Keeps records of the events and how well they succeed. Responsible for Chapter events for financially structuring the entry fees for events in such a way that the Chapter costs (including insurance and any plaques or trophies) are covered with a small profit.
Growth of the Chapter rather than profit is the goal. All costs for a chapter sponsored event activity must be included in computing the final entry fees for any event. These include insurance, postage, telephone calls, publicity, supplies and any rental of equipment.
Approval for any financial commitment must receive approval by the BMW Car Club of America E31 Chapter Board of Directors, but the chapter cannot claim responsibility for liability/expenses of any chapter events. Arrange to receive merchandise, trophies or awards as donations from merchants for Chapter events.
Advertising can also be sold during chapter events in the form of sponsorships or the placing of manufacturer’s decals or posters. For advertising, the National Events Coordinator and Brand Manager will work together to ensure all guidelines are met.
I recently attended the May BC8s WrenchFest in Vancouver, British Columbia. Our E31 Chapter sponsored the event by providing Krispy Kreme doughnuts and coffee for the attendees. Perfect weather for a great turnout of 8 Series cars! Pictured, left to right: John T., Karim, Glen, Wuffer, Henry, Dietmar and Martin.
(Group photo courtesy of Sophia Lalani) That’s your humble Chapter President at the table with the Krispy
Kreme treats……..!
BTW: SoCalEights will be attending the Huntington Beach Concours the weekend of June 4th and 5th . We look forward to their report on this fantastic event!
Automobile Week in Monterey, California is coming in August which means the popular Legends of the Autobahn event! Registration is now open. There is always a nice turn out of E31s at this event. This year it is being held at the Pacific Grove Golf Links in Pacific Grove, Thursday, August 18th . I’ve registered– so see you there! https://legendsoftheautobahn.org/
O’Fest Forever will be September 27th – October 1st in Palm Springs, CA. Registration is now open!
Speaking of collector cars, our Chapter vice president, Joe Hower, sent this to me recently. E31 owners may find this of interest:
Membership Renewals
Many thanks to the following E31 Chapter members who renewed their Chapter memberships in May:
Art Cortez, Zachary McCoy, John Tomlin and Aaron Phinney.
E31 Chapter: “The cars bring us together, but it’s the community of people that make E31 ownership enjoyable!”
Until next month –
Henry Christoff- pres@bmwccaE31.com