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BMW Car Club of America – E31 Chapter – The Voice of E31 Owners
July 2022 President’s Update -by Henry Christoff
Greetings Everyone!
US Chapter members – Happy 4 th of July!
Canadian Chapter members – July 1 st – Happy Canada Day!
We have some news to relay about new members to the E31 Chapter Board!
As we only had one candidate come forward for each of the positions below, these volunteers, by acclamation, will fill these board positions and no voting will be necessary. Each will be an asset to the E31 Chapter and community.
Welcome aboard!
Treasurer – Mike Noble
Lives in Maryland and comes to us with a wealth of experience and background in accounting. A long time E31 owner, we’re happy to have him step forward to take on this responsibility.
Newsletter Editor- Adam Armour.
Lives in Arizona. This past May, Adam drove – by himself- one of his
classic BMWs from Arizona to The Vintage in North Carolina! He has some great ideas for our quarterly newsletter. Please send your stories and photo submissions directly to him: editior@bmwccaE31.com
National Events Coordinator – Mike Barrett.
Lives in Pennsylvania and is extremely well known for his
8 Series CSi. This past March, Mike and his CSi were invited and he joined the M Cars caravan from the BMW Spartanburg plant in South Carolina to the Florida Amelia Island Concours, where the BMW M brand celebrated its 50 th anniversary.
Brands Manager – Bob Bennett.
Lives in Florida. He is also known as our E31 Chapter webmaster
“supremo”. Bob suggested that the Brands Manager and Webmaster positions are similar in nature, so, he got the job!
Thursday, August 18 2022 – Legends of the Autobahn – Monterey, CA
Automobile Week in Monterey, California is coming in August which means the popular Legends of the Autobahn event! Registration is now open. There is always a nice turn out of E31s at this event. This year it is being held at the Pacific Grove Golf Links in Pacific Grove, Thursday August 18 . I’ve registered – so see you there!
Please let me know if you are planning to attend this event. If we have enough people, I will coordinate a casual get-together for E31 folks. I need to know if you plan to attend Legends ASAP- July 15 th latest. Reach out to me directly at pres@bmwccaE31.com
September 27 – October 1 st – O’Fest Forever Palm Springs, CA.
Registration is now open! https://ofest.bmwcca.org/
The ¾” size E31 Enameled Lapel Pin
I have found a less expensive way to mail the lapel pins. When I recently took a number of pins to the post office to mail, I learned that a single pin could be mailed for just under a $1.00. With that in mind – new price! Those who ordered a single pin & paid $10.00 were sent a $5.00 refund.
1 pin = $5.00 includes shipping to USA addresses
2 pins = $6.00 includes shipping to USA addresses
3 pins = $8.00 includes shipping to USA addresses
Send cash, check or money order payable to BMW CCA E31 Chapter with the number of pins requested to:
H. Christoff, P.O. Box 54, Point Roberts, WA 98281.
Until next month
Henry Christoff- pres@bmwccaE31.com;
E31 Chapter Website :