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The President’s Page January 2022
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BMW Car Club of America – E31 Chapter
— The Voice of E31 Owners —
January 2022 President’s Update- by Henry Christoff
Greetings & Happy New Year to everyone!
The Classic M Logo Returns!
A blast from the past-
In case you missed it elsewhere, BMW is celebrating the 50 Anniversary of the M Brand in
2022. BMW will re-introduce the classic M logo from the ‘70’s on M car hoods, trunk lids and wheel center caps.
BMW CCA Oral History Project-
Some of you may have recently received a post card or email about this effort by BMW CCA and the BMW CCA publishing partner, Publishing Concepts Inc, or PCI. In both cases you are being asked to confirm your BMW CCA membership info and many thought this was a rouse to obtain your personal information.
Understandably, many of you reached out to me directly regarding your concerns regarding the information requested in the email and the post card, as well as the cost to receive the finished Oral History publication. I voiced your concerns with the National office and received further detailed information from National about this project. It is not mandatory for members to participate, but feel free to do so if you wish. See the link for additional information. The Oral History Project ( https://www.bmwcca.org/oral-history-project )
TIMM’s Videos –
Most of you know Timm (from the UK) by his E31 posts on Bimmerforms, and his informative website ( https://www.meeknet.co.uk ) [that can also be reached via our chapter website – ed. note] “Timm’s 8 Series Repairs and Info”.
What you may not know that he also has a great YouTube channel with plenty of E31 videos. Having owned many different BMW models, his E31 service and repair videos are entertaining & educational- what better use of indoor time these winter months! Here is a recent sampling:
Thank you renewing members! They are:
Ron Acher, David Alessandroni & Thurston Pope.
E31 Chapter Motor T-Shirts
Available at the E31 Chapter Store.
Check them out and get yours while you can!
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Until next month – Henry Christoff (click link to send email!)
E31 Chapter Website