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BMW Car Club of America – E31 Chapter
— The Voice of E31 Owners —
December, 2021 President’s Update #17 – by Henry Christoff
Happy Holidays everyone!
You have probably noticed our new E31 Chapter logo at the top of this page. All BMW CCA Chapters, and all official BMW Clubs Worldwide, will be using the new BMW corporate approved designs for club organizations starting in January 2022. The new look is to match the modernization of the BMW Corporate appearance and that of the BMW Global Family. You’ll see more of the new designs as National and other Chapters begin using them. In fact, you may have already seen the new BMW corporate identity at your local BMW dealers.
I am pleased to report that we had six membership renewals in November. Our Chapter membership is 134 at present- that’s a 25% increase since becoming Chapter president in August 2019. Thank you for your interest and enthusiasm for the E31 over the last year.
All members: If you have not already done so, please send a photo of your 8 Series to our website guru, Bob Bennett, for insertion into the Members Gallery page of the E31 website. webmaster@bmwccaE31.com
2022 E31 Calendar
A couple weeks ago, Daniel Waschle from the E31 owners 8er Freunde in Europe contacted me to advise that their group has produced a 2022 E31 full color calendar. It’s in Finnish, but looks to be a nice format and the photographs are fantastic. You can order directly from them and shipped to the USA. The shipping cost is not inexpensive; however the calendar is worth the cost plus postage in my opinion. You can see all the full color photos and order info on the 8er Freunde Facebook page
Great Holiday Gift!
E31 Chapter Motor T-Shirts – Check them out- still available from our E31 Chapter
Everyone, have an enjoyable holiday season and treasure the time with your family and friends.
Henry Christoff- pres@bmwccaE31.com
Kirsti Christoff – sec@bmwccaE31.com