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The President’s Page March 2022
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BMW Car Club of America – E31 Chapter
— The Voice of E31 Owners —
March 2022 President’s Update- by Henry Christoff
Hello everyone and welcome to the February edition of the President’s Update!
We are still seeking a Newsletter Editor/Publisher. Roger has been the E31 Chapter Newsletter Editor / Publisher going on eight years and has decided to step down from the position. We are looking for a replacement newsletter editor/publisher – it’s a volunteer position and one that can be fairly rewarding!
In addition to producing and publishing our quarterly Chapter newsletter, the editor will prepare and submit content for the E31 section of BimmerLife magazine twice a year. Content can come from our E31 Chapter membership, International and North American E31 community of independent E31 groups and the editor/publisher can also author articles.
If you are interested in this position, please reach out to me directly. I will provide the details of this important position on the E31 Chapter Board. pres@bmwwccaE31.com
Popular E31 owners Tom “Wuffer” Carter and Ronn Harris are featured in BimmerLife Magazine Spring/Summer 2022 Edition, page 85 E31 Chapter News. https://bimmerlife.com/publications/2022-spring-summer-pr/
Registration for Southeast SharkFest is now open. Chattanooga, TN is the venue this year, April 21-24.
It’s always a great event! For info: https://www.bmwsharkfest.org/#/SoutheastSharkfest2022/e32
Now available from various parts sources
I recently replaced the brake pressure accumulator (aka Brake Bomb) on my ’91 850i. ATE has again made a production run of
these units.
Brake pressure accumulator (aka Brake Bomb): ATE part number 340026 (BMW part number 34331162056).
E31 Fuel Pressure Regulators:
Bosch 0280160597 3.5 Bar for 840i/Ci & 740i (BMW 13531436110)
Bosch 0280160567 3.0 Bar for 850i/Ci & CSi. (BMW 13531715685)
Welcome to new member Alfred Isaacs!
Thank you renewing members:
Michael Asbury, Michael Barrett, Desmond Jackson, Adriana Diesen,
Manny Pinzoni, Wayne Willoughby and Donovan Wright!
Don’t Forget!
LIMITED INVENTORY of the E31 Chapter Motor T-Shirts remain available! Check them out at our E31 Chapter Store.